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Sam Mustafa CEO Charleston Hospitality Group
Sam Mustafa CEO Charleston Hospitality Group


Sam Mustafa is a Charleston-based business owner and entrepreneur. He has invested himself in the area, and every effort he makes is geared towards improving the community. Over the course of just a few years, he has bought several empty buildings in the area. He quickly turns these vacant buildings into award winning restaurants. It is hard to travel the streets of downtown Charleston and not see one of his restaurants.

Before he became a success in South Carolina, Sam Mustafa began in Jordan. He was born there and grew up with his five brothers. He came to America to pursue an education. He enrolled at the University of Illinois to earn a degree in engineering. After a short time in school, his grades were slipping. His father pointed out that he should try an alternative career. He began taking jobs at any and every restaurant he could find.

Within just a few months he had worked at several restaurants and corporate food services such as Pizza Hut and McDonald’s. He enjoyed the food industry, but Sam Mustafa did not like working for other people. He realized that if was going to get anywhere, he would need to start his own food service endeavor. He earned enough money from his menagerie of jobs to rent a commercial space on campus. Sam’s café became the beginning of his promising business career.

Eventually he managed to get his degree in engineering. But by now Sam Mustafa had become fully devoted to his business. His profits allowed him to buy more space, add to his savings, and send money back home in Jordan. With all his success he decided to take a vacation to none other than Charleston, SC. Here is where he realized he could flourish.
Today, Sam Mustafa is the CEO of Charleston Hospitality Group. He has constructed a business that is good for employers, employees, residents and visitors of Charleston. His efforts increase the area’s value day by day.

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